Collect for Kids is currently supported by the following organizations:
Apple Federal Credit Union*
Apple Federal Credit Union Education Foundation
Clipus Foundation
Cox Communications
Cornerstones, Inc.*
Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue*
Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department
Fairfax County Office of Public Private Partnerships (OP3)
Fairfax County Public Schools*
Kids R First*
Kits for Kidz (Staples)
Koinonia Foundation*
New Hope Church*
Northern Virginia Family Service*
Northwest Federal Credit Union*
Office Depot
Our Daily Bread*
Salvation Army*
SHARE, Inc.*
Starbucks* (East Market in Fair Lakes)
United Community Ministries*
Western Fairfax Christian Ministries*
Wiygul Automotive Clinic
*Collection Center
CORNERSTONES is a nonprofit organization that promotes self-sufficiency by providing support and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare,…